I’m throwing a curve ball here. Or is it a change-up?

I’m about to blog way out of order.

Just wanted you to know so that you can brace yourself.

In honor of 9/11, I wrote this post on my photography blog featuring my sister-in-law, Kristy, and her boyfriend, Zac, who is about to be deployed overseas. If you have not cried yet today and feel the need, you might want to check it out.

Anyway, I thought it would be cool to go ahead and blog the other pictures from their visit with us here on my personal blog. You know, the non-formal, behind-the-scenes pictures. Even though I am not yet up to this point in blogging Our Summer Adventures.


Because it’s fresh on my mind. And because my baby looks awesome in a beret.

So here’s a smattering of what happens when Aunt Kristy and Zac visit us while we’re on vacation. (‘Cuz we did get to go on a vacation. And maybe, someday, I’ll get around to telling you about it!)

2 thoughts on “I’m throwing a curve ball here. Or is it a change-up?

  1. Sweet pics! I know that it is very difficult to have your love go overseas into war. It is never easy. I am praying for his safety and for her encouragement. It is rough when they are away, but God’s grace definitely makes it easier.

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