Our Days…

Our days are now looking so different than they ever did before. The truth? I like it! I think some people think I “have it easier” because Ava is in school every day and Izzy is in school twice a week. Be that as it may, once they get back home, I feel like I have to work twice as hard to meet their needs in a shorter amount of time. Our days are busy and full, and I am excited about it! That is, when I’m not feeling super overwhelmed, which is about every other minute.

Some things that are helping me get through my days right now:

~ The Baby. I mean, about a month ago, it felt like he was just a holy terror trying to destroy everything in my house including himself, I’m not gonna lie. But now he is an adorable holy terror that says cute things (like “peas” and “tank you” and “CHOO CHOO!”) and that will look at books with me and that will feed himself oatmeal. We’ll not talk about all the bad stuff.

~ Some Jesus Time. I’ll be honest, I’m a creature of habit. And since I became a Christian (so we’re talking like 18 years!) the best time for me to have a quiet time has been in the morning. If I didn’t get it done in the morning, chances were slim to none that it would get done at all.

But now that I have kids romping on my bed to wake me up and get them ready for school, that just doesn’t work out. So I’ve moved it to nap time. Even though I have lots to do at nap time. I’m not saying this to brag…I’m embarrassed about how long I went without having a quiet time simply because mornings were not working for one reason or other.

Of course, a quiet time is not a magical solution for stress; however, having a routine time to pray and study Scripture during the day is essential for my attitude and outlook for the rest of the day.

~ Ann Voskamp. I’m finally reading One Thousand Gifts. Now, granted, I’m only 3 chapters in, so I’m clearly not an expert on the book. However, I’ve found that her thoughts on living a life of thanksgiving is already changing the way I think about life. And I’m already thinking it would be fun to take on the challenge of writing down 1,000 gifts. Has anyone done that?

~ A Family Doctor Who I Can Call Every Day if Needed. We’ve had some sickness in the house. And, not knowing what else to do, I feel like I’ve been talking to my doctor’s receptionist and nurses a lot. And, although I don’t directly talk to Dr. Perry, they are always conferring with him and calling me back.

I feel like I need to bring cookies to the staff when I bring the boys in for their check-ups next week, agreed?

~ My New Window and Fall Weather. Josh rearranged our furniture in the living room. That probably won’t mean much to you, since I don’t recall ever posting “here is my living room” pictures. But the best part about it, is my “sweet spot” (corner of the couch where I have my quiet time, Pinterest, edit pictures, write blogs, read, watch TV, eat M&Ms, and any combination of those things,) is now by a window. And with the nice week of Florida fall weather we’ve had, I feel uplifted just sitting here!

~ Soda. Not going to lie, I have a caffeinated soda every day at lunch now.

It’s nice to have something to look forward to throughout the morning.

Now I need to get back to the tasks at hand: a tricky Photoshop project, getting ready for company, and prepping for a birthday party for Izzy and Gwiny!

But what about you, what’s helping you get through your days now that we’ve all gotten back into the school groove?

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