End Game…Linker Academy Style!

What a year!  I did not really get to blog while in the trenches, I mean, the school year, but here we are at summer break!  Hopefully I will get my thoughts on this year written before I’ve forgotten everything, but for now, for your viewing enjoyment, our Final Project for the year:

A few behind-the-scenes insights:

  • Last year, I tried to do an end-of-the year video of the children shooting off Diet Coke to the 1812 Overture as an homage to our studies of both Fine Arts and Chemistry.  My video was a failure due to…camera user error.  But the dream never died!
  • For the first time in Linker Academy History, we got done with Memory Masters so early this year, we had time to memorize Scripture of my choosing!  I chose Psalm 46 simply because it has been on my heart a lot this year, and I felt like it would be a powerful Scripture for the kids to have in their mind pockets, but I was floored with how well it lined up with our study of geology.
  • I always make the kids do a research paper and a project in May.  They all decided to do their research paper on volcanoes (which is a part of our study of geology this year.)  I seized the opportunity and voluntold them to do a group project instead of individual projects.
  • Ava did her science fair project for Challenge A on the Diet Coke/Mentos demonstration (she was testing to see which soda would cause the biggest physical reaction.)  Along with the eleventy 2 liters I had to purchase for the experiment, I purchased 5 extras for the children to all get a chance to participate, but never got around to that part.  And we had exactly enough Mentos left over from her project for, you guessed it, five more 2 liters.
  • We practiced this (by pretending to drop the candy) before filming and the kids did great timing it with the music.  Not so much during filming.  Alas, what could have been.  (At least they pulled their goggles down at the same time!)
  • If you’re wondering what Harlie is doing at the end, it is her interpretation of spontaneous, celebratory dancing: performing her ballet recital piece.
  • I am so blessed to teach these kiddos!  But I am also blessed to have arrived at summer break!!!