A Potpourri of Things

Where to begin???

Israel is now pulling up, cruising, and mixing army crawling with normal crawling. It’s hard to believe he will be a year old in a couple weeks! Seriously, where does time go??? We are planning to have him dedicated and have his party on the same day so that family or friends who are travelling can be here for both. How many kids will be able to say they were dedicated in a movie theater? Not many! He has also been waking up a lot at night this month, which is kind of a bummer. I kind of alternate attributing it to teething or constipation, but I really don’t know what it is. The sad part is that when we let him cry himself to sleep, he’s in our room, so we’re awake as long as he’s crying! But this is really the first time he’s given us any trouble at night, so I can’t complain!

Ava is doing much better with letting us know she needs to go potty. She also, I confess, is getting a little bored with just me and brother at home all week! We met another stay-at-home mom living in our apartment complex, Tiffany, and her two girls, Gwiny and Izzy, in the Spring, became fast friends, and were having play dates with them a couple days a week all summer. Now they have moved away, which is something that Ava is slowly beginning to understand, and our daily lives haven’t been nearly as exciting. She’s acting out and getting in trouble a lot, but I know that it’s partially because she’s bored. I’m going to research our city’s fall gymnastic program; from what I understand it’s relatively inexpensive, and we need SOMEthing structured for Ava to do with other children. (Church is nice, but it’s only an hour a week, and I’m teaching her class every other week, anyway.) Since our “summer break” is pretty much over, I am starting to think about implementing a somewhat structured “preschooling homeschool” program. She’s learned her colors, so I need to make a plan to teach her shapes, numbers, and the alphabet. (Not all at once, but between now and next year’s “summer break”!)

Our old house that was remodeled post-flood is finished! We went to look at it Friday and it’s AWESOME! We’re putting it back up on the market tomorrow and are praying that it will sell quickly! As long as God is providing the mortgage and incidental expenses, we probably won’t seek a renter until after the first of the year; the tax credit for first time home buyers goes through December, and we are thinking that we need to keep the house new and fresh so that interested buyers will have the extra pull of a newly remodeled house. Of course, if the expenses get too much, we will look into renting it out. But selling it would be the best option!!!

More blogging to come, of course!

I’m Not Going to Accomplish Anything Today, So I Shall Take a Survey

1. What color is your toothbrush? Lavendar

2. Name one person who made you smile today: Josh. Ava. Israel. Oh wait, did you say one?

3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Getting ready for Church at the Movies! Probably eating breakfast.

4. Where is your favorite vacation spot? I get to think about vacation???? Montana!

5. What is your favorite candy bar? Butterfinger. But there are many, many things I would rather eat before eating a candy bar.

6. Have you ever been to a strip club? No, but I sat in a car parked at the laundromat next to the strip club while my friend’s mom ran into the strip club to see a DJ that she knew there. (I believe it was the laundromat parking lot as opposed to the strip club parking lot per my request. And this would have been about ten years ago, so don’t stress out too much over it)

7. What is the last thing you said aloud? Something like “bye bye” or “good night” since Josh was putting Izzy to bed, but I confess my nose was buried in a book and I wasn’t fully paying attention.

8. What is your favorite ice cream? Breyers natural vanilla…or Breyers mint chocolate chip…well, it’s definitely going to be Breyers.

9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Milk.

10. Do you like your wallet? I do. And the goal is for it to be cleaned out and organized by the end of the month.

11. What was the last thing you ate? A cream-filled cup cake made by Jackie…heavy on the cup cake, light on the cream. (It was very good!)

12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? No. I bought milk. Actually, I think Josh bought the milk this time. But I DID buy Tiffany dinner. Sorry, the subject went a long way from clothes, didn’t it?

13. The last sporting event you watched? Braves game (which we WON)

14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Lots of butter involved.

15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? Josh

16. Ever go camping? Yes – but not since 7th grade. Josh and I will have to make use of our tent as soon as Izzy’s old enough!

17. Do you take vitamins daily? I’m supposed to.

18. Do you go to church every Sunday? When physically possible.

19. Do you have a tan? For me, yes. Compared to other people, no.

20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? Nope. Pizza, pizza.

21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? With a straw. With a can. I’ve thought about putting it in my camel back, but that’s a little extreme. (I’m kidding, sorry, it’s late at night and I’m getting silly. But I do really like soda.)

22. What did your last text message say? Something about being on the way home and traffic being terrible.

23. What are you doing tomorrow? Starting the week off right!!!

25. Look to your left, what do you see? The 3rd Harry Potter book, which I just finished.

26. What color is your watch? It’s a blue LG chocolate phone.

27. What do you think of when you hear Australia? The Take Home Chef

29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Both, but not at the same time.

30. What is your favorite number? Three. (Why not?)

31. Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone? Jackie

32. Any plans today? Going to bed soon.

33. How many states have you lived in? 4 – PA, GA, AL, FL

34. Biggest annoyance right now? Ava has been testing me a lot lately.

35. Last song listened to? “God of this City” performed by none other than the amazing goodbye me band!

36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I think I’ve done it before…but now, not so sure.

37. Do you have a maid service clean your house? Her name is Kara.

38. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? flip flops, all the time. I’ve been wanting to get some TOMs, but haven’t had the bucks to shell out for them.

40. Is anyone jealous of you? …I hope not.

41. Do you love anyone? I do.

42. Do any of your friends have children? Yes! That comes with the territory of having children myself!

43. What do you usually do during the day? Try to keep my children, house, and sanity in one piece.

44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? No, nor do I hate anyone I don’t know.

45. Do you use the word ‘hello’ daily? Yes

46. What color is your car? Brick red

47. Do you like cats? They are OK. But I don’t think I fall into the “cat lover” category.

48. Are you thinking about someone right now? Actually, I was thinking about the pop ice I plan to consume before bed.

49. Have you been to Six Flags? Yes. It was hot.

50. How did you get your worst scar? From an ankle surgery. It’s cool!

Some Pictures for Your Viewing Enjoyment!


Here is a group picture of [almost] everyone that was involved in VBS. It’s not the best one that we took, but it’s hard to tell from the thumb nails that I upload pictures from which is the picture in which everyone is looking at the camera! We had a great time!!!

We went to visit our families for the weekend, and…


We saw Heather as she was about to move 4ish hours away to start a new job! Go Heather!!!



we had fun in the pool! Here are Harlie and Izzy in the enormous floating house in Gigi’s pool!



Izzy had his first tub bath! He spent most of it trying to escape!

Tiffany and I had declared the past three weeks as “summer vacation” for our four preschool kids. We had a couple swimming days, a craft day, a salon day, a picnic at a park day, and it all culminated in…


A trip to the local Jr. Museum! It’s actually like a zoo with animals native to Florida and it also has a caboose, some old fashioned buildings, and a farm complete with animals and crops!

Tiffany, Gwiny, Isabel, and Randy will be moving to Vermont in two weeks for Randy to continue his schooling. We are going to miss these guys bunches!!!

This past Saturday we took a little day trip to Valdosta. There…


Ava played her first game of putt-putt!



We got to visit with our friends Jay and Kristy! These krazy kats are getting married in 3 months!



We got to visit Aunt Kristy and see the house she’ll be living in this school year! I am, as always, jealous of her decorating abilities!

And last, but not least, yesterday for church, Ava wore…


…a dress her Grandma made for her! Mom told me that this was the last time she was going to smock, she claims she is going to teach me the trade and pass her pleater down to me. I’d love to be able to do it, but it is yet to be seen if I will have the patience to learn and make anything.

Well, “there you have it,” our lives for the last three weeks in color!

Since I know all of you are on the edge of your seats regarding the church position I blogged about last time, Josh and I have decided for me to not take the position at this time. Our church IS in desperate need of a leader in that area, but that leader does not have to be me! I’m at peace about that decision, and am now just trying to clear up any misunderstandings that I may have created while I was considering taking it. I’m actually kind of excited that I’ll have 6 months “free” to be available to minister in many different ways instead of just one. (I say 6 months, because after that, VBS planning will start again!)

My mom is having a hysteroscopy this morning, so I’m awaiting a phone call to tell me that everything is A-OK! I think this is a pretty common procedure for women her age, but it is considered a surgery, and no matter how minor the surgery is, it’s still no fun when it’s your mom!

More blogging should come later, I should take advantage of my kids playing quietly and accomplish something.