The Update I Did Not Want to Type

I was beginning to despair that Arrow would not get a good moment with her.  For the first few days, any time we would hand him to her, he would begin to cry.  Normally, she would get him to warm up to her by sitting in the floor and playing with him, but she simply can’t do that now.  Today, she wasn’t even aware enough to hold a baby.  She had said very little all day and had not expressed any emotions.

When we were leaving, I bent down to hug her while Arrow was on my hip.  He was smiling and chatting.  Unexpectedly, her eyes lit up and she went for that baby.  They touched foreheads and smiled at each other.  There were no cameras around, but I would pay a lot of money for a picture of that moment.

Let’s rewind.  In June, I told you about Josh’s mom, Gigi’s, diagnosis of lung cancer.  Gigi’s cancer was a pretty aggressive type, but we were told that the good part about that was the more aggressive the cancer, the better it responds to treatment.  Gigi immediately started a chemo regimen.  3 days of chemo, 3 weeks off, and so on, and so forth.

Let me just say, true to herself, Gigi handled chemo like a champ.  She was like the poster girl for an excellent cancer patient.  Her side effects were mild; she would feel tired for a few days and food would taste funny.  As the cancer in her body began to shrink, she actually felt better than she had in a long time.  She felt so good, she tried to convince everyone that it would be ok for her to drive herself to her treatments.  I don’t think she ever did that, but between treatments she did make a trip to visit a new grandbaby by herself, as well as taking Harlie to her out of town doctor’s appointments by herself.

After a season of the chemo, she had another body scan.  There was good news and bad news.  The good news was, the growths were shrinking.  The bad news was, there were new lesions on her bones.  So an even more intense chemo plan was introduced.  5 days on, 2 weeks off, and so on, and so forth.  She had another body scan scheduled for November 12th, and we were all hoping to get to use the word Remission at that point.

Fast forward to a week and a half ago.  Josh’s sister, Kristy, called Josh concerned because she was talking to Gigi on the phone and she began to slur her speech.  She talks to her on the phone every day, and this is the first time she had heard this happen.  A few days later, a cousin that is staying with them let the siblings know that Gigi was having some short-term memory loss.  It was thought to be “chemo brain.”

By the weekend, her neurological symptoms were bad enough that Dan decided to take off work Monday and take her to her chemo himself so that he could ask about them.

On Monday, she was sent home without treatment, and an MRI was scheduled for the next day.

Tuesday morning I got the text from Josh.  Brain tumors.

By the afternoon, more information.  Lots of small tumors throughout the brain.  We are looking at weeks.

Josh immediately headed up to be helpful.  He sat with his mom in the hospital and helped bring her home when she was discharged.  The kids and I headed up the next day.  We all needed some time with Gigi.

As you can imagine, our hearts are breaking.  We have thought of many possible scenarios, but I don’t think this one has ever crossed our minds.


Gigi with Maverick yesterday.

I was waiting for a go-ahead to write this post out of respect of family privacy, but I am writing it now because I think it is important for people to know how to pray.  So here is how you can pray for Gigi and the rest of the family:

  1. The Ultimate Miracle.  We are a practical people.  We know where this is likely going.  HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean we believe in God’s healing powers any less.  God may not be done with Gigi yet, and if He isn’t, well…He will take care of this thing.
  2. An Improvement of Cognitive Function.  Right now, Gigi is not able to truly communicate.  Her speech is slurred, she needs assistance in walking, she forgets things almost immediately.  She is now having a radiation treatment that is supposed to shrink the tumors enough to help her sort of become herself again.  Please pray that she will regain who she truly is.  Tonight, Kristy shared with me that she just wants one real conversation with her.  Just one.  I think we all can echo that sentiment.
  3. Comfort and Peace for Gigi.  Because she is not able to communicate, we have no idea how much pain she is feeling.  We have no idea how aware, if at all, she is of the circumstances.  It feels so helpless wondering if she feels helpless!
  4. Dan.  My father-in-law is 13 years Gigi’s senior, and I don’t think he ever imagined having to live life without her.
  5. Adult Children.  Josh has two sisters, Heather and Kristy, who are just now starting families of their own.  Even though they are mamas themselves, they love their mama fiercely and this is not a road any of us were ready to walk down while our children are young.
  6. The Girls.**  Everyone knows that Gigi’s 4 youngest are “The Girls.”  Ages 13, 12, 10, and 7, Gigi is not only their mother, she is the ultimate example of God’s love to them.  When their family broke and they lost their biological parents, she pursued them and adopted them.  She may not have a degree in counseling, but she has dealt with all the repercussions of broken attachment and made them a family.  When Harlie got sick, she became nurse and caretaker as well.

And this is why I am begging God for a miracle.  For us, it’s a tragedy.  But for The Girls to experience More Loss, and at this level?  I cannot comprehend it.

So we covet your prayers.

**If you encounter The Girls in real life, please be sensitive to the fact that they may not completely understand everything that is happening.  It is fine to ask how Glenda is doing, but please don’t ask about the specifics of her condition.**

9 Years of Parenting so Why Do I Feel Like a Novice?

I will be driving all day on her birthday and then will have to go right back into All the Extracurriculars, and it could be weeks before I can stop to breath, I mean, blog.

In approximately 4 days, she will be 9.

And that was ok until a friend who also happens to have birthed a child on October 11th, 2006, pointed out to me that that means we are halfway there.

Ohhhhh.  Was that really necessary?

But it’s true.  It’s hard to believe that in 9 more years, we’ll be done. 

Well, not completely done.  I mean, there are at least 3 more.  And I know she’ll still need help with some things.  But our relationship with her will drastically change.  But, by and large, [with our first child] we’ll be done.  OK?

And, really, I kind of still feel like I’m new to this parenting thing.  Truth be told, 9 years in and we are still figuring this thing out.  Which makes me worry that we will never figure this thing out.

I guess not.  Parenting, I believe, is the most humbling, sanctifying experience that I will ever have.  Some runners-up are homeschooling (which is a part of it, but I’m listing it separately because not all parents homeschool,) dealing with Comcast, touch screens, church committees, and trying to read a graphic novel out loud to a 4 year old.  **shudder**  But parenting certainly tops them all!

So, I’m going to set aside all of my insecurities about parenting for a couple minutes so I can brag on my girl.  This girl may be the only one I ever get.  (May!  I don’t know what God’s plan for us is!  May!)  So I think I tend to heap all of my girl expectations upon her.  Between that and being a textbook self-driven first child, it’s amazing that her sanity is still mostly intact.  So cheers to Ava surviving the first half of our 18 year experiment, I mean, experience!  Here are some awesome things about her…

My girl is tall.  I don’t know what genetics are in play here, but she is about up to my shoulder.  If she doesn’t slow down, she’ll be taller than me before she hits her teenage years.  Of course, this comes to her advantage a lot.  People tend to think she is older than she really is, and she can ride all the amusement park rides already.  Although she doesn’t complain about it, I know it can have disadvantages.  She loves gymnastics but doesn’t have the best build for it, and she tends to make friends with girls that are small for their age, which I know might make her feel even bigger than she really is.

My girl loves…boys.  Not in the romantic sense (yikes!), but she has decided she genuinely enjoys being around boys.  Since she has 3 brothers and no sisters, I am definitely counting this as a blessing.  Before Arrow was born, she was ardently hoping for a sister.  Something has definitely changed in the past year, because now she’s asking for 2 more brothers and no more sisters!  At homeschool co-ops, she definitely wants to hang around the boys. (I can’t say that this is always reciprocated.)  She loves Star Wars and explosions, and has discovered that these things make up a big part of Boy World.

My girl is smart.  And I can’t say that has anything to do with her teacher; her studies are almost completely independent now.

My girl is a lot more organized and disciplined than I am.  She has started keeping her room clean.  She has a daily morning cleaning/Bible reading routine before I am even awake.  She cleans up the school room every day when we are done.

My girl is becoming spiritually sensitive.  She has expressed interest in accepting Christ as Savior.  (Although she wants to be baptized, we are taking a slower path to baptism with her to make sure she is completely confident of her faith.  I know that not everyone would agree that this is the right way to approach it, and that is ok, but we have prayed about it and talked with our pastor and feel comfortable with asking her to wait.)

My girl is creative.  She loves the process of creating stories.  Since that is something I might personally love, myself, I hope that this passion continues!  (I’ve already lost the ballet battle, surely I can have the writing one!)

My girl is developing endurance and the ability to do things that she doesn’t love.  In August, we started exercising together.  Our “workout” includes an upper-body workout to help her in gymnastics, but it also includes jogging.  Now, jogging is decidedly NOT HER THING.  And we have had some rough runs.  I may have once uttered the words, “If you go in your pants, I’ll wash them – KEEP RUNNING!”

But, you know?  The child can now jog a whole mile without stopping to walk.  (She’s one of those with fast-twitch muscles that can sprint and walk, sprint and walk, and STILL fly by you at the end of the race!  Like those basketball players they used to set lose at cross country meets.  **sigh**)  But more importantly than developing the ability to jog at a steady pace (which is VERY IMPORTANT,) she is starting to more often choose to do it without complaining.  Which is SO HUGE.  And makes me so much prouder than any athletic thingamabob she could achieve.

Now I just need someone to convince her that running a 5K with me would be fun.  She seems to think that running with thousands of people would not be at all fun.  WHERE HAVE I GONE WRONG?

My girl is a natural leader, whether her people want to be led or not.  She could lead a pack of playing cards if she took a hankering to it.  Of course, there are a lot of issues there that aren’t completely positive, like constantly reminding her that she is not her brothers’ parent and that she can’t dictate how her company plays with her toys.  But this is a birthday post, so we are talking about positive things!

When we were shopping for her winter duds, she picked out an athletic shirt that said “Lead the Pack.”  I told her that that meant that meant she had to run a 5K with me.  (Because I am oh so subtle.)  She explained that the pack was her brothers and that she leads them.


She’s right.

But don’t tell her that.