Project 365 – Day 88

So the weekend marathon has ended! We headed back to pick up our kids today, and had some fun while we were there…


We are not going to see Josh’s family on Easter, so we went ahead and had our annual Easter egg hunt today! Here is Ava, Gigi, Tori, and Izzy on the prowl for eggs! We had a no-candy egg hunt; instead I bought a puzzle at the dollar store and put puzzle pieces in the eggs. After all the eggs were found, they had to put the puzzle together! We ended up with one piece missing, but Josh went out and found it and saved the day!

We did have a little disappointment today; we were supposed to sign a lease agreement with someone to rent our house, and they had to back out, at least temporarily, at the last minute. I say “little disappointment” because that is really all it was; we have learned to not get our hopes up until we have signed papers and money in hand, which is yet to happen. I’ve honestly become pretty emotionally detached from this situation. It seems much easier to feel nothing than to feel disappointment and anxiety. God has taken care of us so far and He will continue to take care of us, even if the house does continue to sit there, newly remodeled and yet unused.

Project 365 – Days 86 and 87

It’s a busy weekend in picture taking and it’s not over yet!!!

Yesterday’s Picture: Introducing the “wedgagement” shoot!


This couple got married at the courthouse last week. They had purchased a photo package there of about five pictures, but apparently they were bad pictures. The bride saw my ad in craigslist saying that I would do some local photography for free, so she contacted me to see if we could do something to commemorate their special day. Thus, the “wedgagement shoot” was born! It was pretty much like engagement pictures, but the couple wore the outfits they wore on their wedding day and we did some shots with the rings and them re-enacting saying their vows. It was fun!

The picture above is a pose that I stole from some engagement pictures I saw recently. I love using boardwalks in pictures – I don’t know why, just one of those quirky things!

Today’s Picture: Today we had the honor of helping with something special: our pastor’s daughter got married! She’s about my age, and we are also pretty close to our pastor and his wife. This morning we helped set up the reception hall. Josh pulled double duty and moved the chairs from the ceremony to the reception site, and I cut the wedding cake (don’t let anyone fool you, that is stressful!) I didn’t take that many pictures (only 66, which is nothing for me!) since I was busy and I didn’t want to get in the photographer’s way, but I do want to share a very important picture:


Behold, the chocolate bar!!! I set this up all by myself!!! (I can’t take credit for anything else, the bride made the cool moon pie lollipops and the signs!) So I have to say that I definitely had the BEST job EVER this morning! If anyone else wants a chocolate bar at your wedding, I would be happy to set it up for you…as long as you send the leftovers home with me!

Project 365 – Day 85

So I’m finally finished editing Baby Ahnna’s newborn pictures! Here’s another one of my favorites:

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I thought that I was going to have a break from photography until the week after Easter, but today I ended up with two photo shoots in one week! Tomorrow I’m doing an engagement/wedding shoot for a couple. I know that’s a weird thing to call it, but that’s the best title I can come up with…they got married at the courthouse last week because of lack of funds, but she was very unhappy with the pictures that were taken of them that day. She then saw my ad on craigslist that I would do free photo shoots in exchange for pictures for my portfolio, so she contacted me. It’s pretty much going to be like an engagement shoot, but they’re going to wear the outfits they wore on their wedding day so I’m going to take some wedding-ish pictures as well. I’m excited about it – I think it will be a fun shoot and we’re doing it at a park I haven’t been to before, so that will be fun to scope out! And I won’t have to worry about contracts or print packages or anything like that!

I met with a couple tonight for a consultation for doing their wedding at the end of May. I wasn’t expecting them to want engagement pictures, as it’s already pretty close to their wedding date, but they want them, so we’re going to do that on Monday!

Then in April, the insanity begins! I currently have four (with a possibly fifth) engagement shoots and one wedding! I’m not sure why I booked myself up like that, since May is relatively clear! Oh, and I’m supposed to be planning VBS for my church, too….

In typical Kara fashion, I have again bitten off more than I can chew.

Project 365 – Days 78 – 84

SO, here’s a re-cap of things we have been doing in March.


We went to a baseball game at the local university and brought the kids! Here is Izzy standing over the opposing team’s dugout. He loved running around the bleacher’s before the game…sitting through the game for three hours wasn’t quite so fun for him! Ava did really well, though. I wasn’t sure how much I’d like it, as the only games I’ve enjoyed going to so far are Braves games, but it turned out to be a good game. And it’s $6.00 per adult, and kids 4 and under get in free, AND you can sit wherever you want! Can’t beat that!


BUT that was just a warm-up for the next weekend, when we went to a Braves Spring training game! Here are some of the Braves hanging out, and I just loved how it was right over the Wide World of Sports sign. It was a lot of fun – we left the kids with grandparents, and we carpooled with Eric and Jackie. It had to be the longest double date EVER, as it’s a 4 hour drive one-way to Orlando from here and we went down and back in the same day, but Eric and Jackie are still speaking to us, which is a good sign! For me it was totally worth it to be able to sit outside and be comfortable without a jacket – if we make another big move, it’s going to be farther south! Oh, and I saw orange trees for the first time!


We celebrated the beginning of spring by buying the kids new shades and flip-flops. Actually, both pairs of shades are supposed to be for Izzy, since Ava has 3 pairs and he keeps wearing hers (much to his father’s chagrin), but, of course, she wanted to wear the new ones. Izzy’s flip-flops are too big…maybe they’ll fit next year.


Last week Ava’s little choir sang “Jesus Loves the Little Children” in front of church. She’s on the bottom row farthest on the right. She didn’t sing, but she made it to the stage, which is farther than she made it for the Christmas program, when she freaked out and ended up sitting in her teacher’s lap. Baby steps.


Saturday we went to look at some rental houses. We are trying to decide whether we’re going to stay here another year or find a 3 bedroom to move into. Our lease here is up the end of June, but we have to know by the end of April whether or not we’re going to move out. Anyway, our house search Saturday did not prove fruitful, but we had extra time between appointments to stop at our favorite ice cream shop, The Cool Cow. The Cool Cow is all soft serve, and every day they serve about 6 different flavors of soft serve. I think that’s GENIOUS – most places only offer soft serve in vanilla. And you never know til you get there what flavors they are serving! Pictured above is Ava with the Cool Cow himself.


Yesterday it was my responsibility to cook dinner for our small group. Having recently seen Julie and Julia, I was inspired to get out my Betty Crocker cook book AND its stand, and I pretty much cooked all day. The menu? Manicotti with foccaccia bread sticks. Pictured above is the dessert: my first EVER pound cake! (This was the first time I used my bundt pan for something other than monkey bread!) I know the glaze on the cake plate makes it look a little sloppy, but I assure you it was GOOD and you should be jealous if you did not get to eat it.


Which brings us to today! It was an incredible 75 degrees today, so I loaded up the van and took the kids to the park! One of our many activities was a practice run with Easter egg hunting with all the plastic eggs I could scrounge up from last year. Here is Izzy with his lone egg – he found one and did not seem interested in finding more, which might be good since Ava found the rest in about 5 seconds, anyway!

So there you are – a glimpse into our non-photography related lives. (Well, I guess not totally, since I took the pictures, but you get the idea!)

Project 365 – Day 77

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! To celebrate this year, Ava and I made rainbow cupcakes. They sort of looked more like psychadelic cupcakes, as layering different colors of batter is rather difficult, but they were pretty cool all the same. So the picture for the day:


As you can see, it required six different colors of batter = a lot of bowls to wash! But here is the result:


The recipe makes 16 cupcakes, and I only have one muffin tin, so the stuff for the remaining 4 made a sort of cake loaf.

We actually did this project yesterday so that we would have some people to share them with. And no, I did not think to talk about leprechauns or pots of gold. I’m sure that we have Irish roots in our family heritage, but I am not particularly educated on Irish culture. Maybe next year I can brush up on St. Patrick and do some sort of activity to talk about the clover/Trinity analogy.

For this recipe, check out: And, I will say that using the paper baking cups is actually important. I didn’t have any, and the sides of the cupcakes browned so that the colors couldn’t be seen from the sides. (They were vivid on the top and bottom, and of course once bitten into, but they didn’t have the same effect as the Family Fun picture.)

Project 365 – Days 67 – 76

Well, it may have been a pain to wait 10 days for a blog entry, but the up-side to that is I had an engagement shoot 10 days ago, and I finished editing the pictures from it last night! Since I owed my blog 10 pictures, I made it my goal today to pick 10 pictures from the shoot and prepare them for the portfolio – as that’s about how many pictures I would be putting in my portfolio, anyway! I shall wait to post them on facebook and the website until the bride receives her pictures (I’m mailing them to her), but the “faithful few” that remain of my blog readers can have a sneak peak!

Taking Kristen and Cole’s pictures is going to be a unique experience because they are the first couple I have done who live in a different city (about 3 hours from me.) Thalia and Jonathan, who I posted pictures of earlier, had an out-of-town wedding, but they live here so I was able to meet with them here beforehand. Since Kristen and Cole live so far away, we decided to combine their pre-wedding consultation with their engagement pictures to minimize travelling. We met at a city about halfway between our two cities.

The tricky part about that was neither of us had ever been to the city before! To prepare for the photo shoot, I looked at the city’s website to get an idea of what kind of photo ops there may be. I did what I could to find things with Google maps, and what I couldn’t find on there, I called the Chamber of Commerce and asked! It turns out that the city had a pretty little lake and a historic district right there together, so we were basically able to just walk the block and take shots, which was really fun! Furthermore, this was a really agreeable couple who would pretty much do anything I asked them to do, including cartwheels! I had a great time, and was very pleased with how the pictures turned out. They required minimal editing – which is probably more thanks to the incredibly beautiful day we had than my picture taking abilities! But, anyways, without further ado, your preview to Kristen and Cole’s engagement shoot:


OK, so it’s probably a weird picture to start with, but I’m going in order. I don’t know if you can see it, but Kristen’s son’s footprints are tattooed on her foot. She indicated that this was a very special tattoo, so I wanted to make sure I got it in a shot. I did the mono with a splash of color effect, as well, to bring out her pink shoes; her wedding color is pink, and as you will see later, the couple very meticulously dressed in all neutrals with a few pink accents.

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Fun kissing shot! This is the balcony of a church that was on the block that we walked.


I love the sunburst in this shot. I had been watching another photographer’s blog, and noticed that he uses the setting sun to make sun bursts in a lot of his pictures. We took these in the middle of the afternoon, so I didn’t think I’d be able to do that, but they are high enough in this picture and that tree is placed just so and…voila!

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She wanted pictures in the city so that it would be unique. She didn’t want pictures on the beach or at a park; way too cliche!


I can’t take total credit for this picture, as I got the idea for the pose from someone else’s engagement pictures. But I like it.


I figured I should put one close-up face picture in my portfolio to show that I am capable of taking them.

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I don’t know what’s up with all the kissing pictures, I just can’t stop! Typically I put the name and date on a picture more similar to the previous one, but the sky in this picture was just screaming to be written on. (I did, however, put their names and wedding date on another picture as well, and she can take her pick!)


Like I said, this couple was incredibly fun! This was a spontaneous moment that I was fortunate enough to capture.


At the end of the shoot, they were still good natured enough to squeeze between these bushes and the wall of a random building. I’m glad they did, because these are some of my favorite shots!


Mono with a splash of color again to wrap things up!

Project 365 – Day 66

I know, you’re shocked that I’m updating two days in a row! It will be Ok, though!

Today I had my first official newborn shoot with baby Ahnna!!! I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure that it would go well. I had tried to take some pictures when she was about 4 days old, and I just couldn’t seem to get anything right. I’ve looked at newborn pictures on photographer’s web sites and get depressed because I don’t have the studio equipment that they use to make their newborn pictures so amazing – nor did I feel I had the ability to get a baby to comply! But today she’s two weeks old, and she is much more alert than she was before! She was a trooper throughout the process. I may not be up there with the professionals, but I was definitely pleased with the pictures…


This is one of the first pictures that I took, and I believe it is my favorite! I love the fact that the camera focused on her face and the rest has a lens blur – that was all camera, I didn’t photoshop that!

From today’s shoot I learned…

* Babies in newborn pictures don’t have to be brand new. It is actually wise to give them a few weeks to get on a regular schedule, start staying awake longer, and for the baby acne to clear up. It doesn’t hurt to give mom and dad a little time, either!

* I have got to, got to, got to learn and love my external flash! The nursery I photographed the inside pictures in was a small room that I would typically use my built in flash. Because I have resolved to love my flash, I used the external flash, anyway, and I definitely can see the difference in the quality of the pictures! Learn the flash. Love the flash. That is my mission!

* If you take the bare bum pictures, there will be tee tee involved. But it’s worth it for those bare bum pictures!

OK, I think I learned more, but you get the idea. Have an engagement shoot tomorrow that will involve some travel. Must prepare and rest up!

Project 365 – Days 59 – 65

OK, I have 7 minutes to post 6 pictures! I am FINISHED with editing pictures for wedding #2 of the year, and am about to go meet the bride and give her her CDs! So in celebration of that, here are some of the highlights for you…

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Gettng into the dress!

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I love this shot of the whole family! It was hard to get, family members kept appearing from everywhere!


Fun moment with mom!


The dress! (Obviously this is out of order!) Who knew that a bathroom stall would make such a good background???

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Bridesmaids with the “mono with a splash of color” effect. I learned the hard way that flowers are hard to do with that effect! It took a long time!


Cake cutting, also with that effect! Cakes are much easier!

Ha! 6 pictures in 6 minutes!