Today was the day…

Today was the day that I thought we were making good time getting ready for our homeschool co-op*, only to leave 5 minutes later than usual.

Today was the day that I didn’t remember to ask my daughter if she had all her body parts** until we were five minutes down the road.

Today was the day that my typically responsible (for her schoolwork) daughter FORGOT the body parts.

Today was the day that I opted to be late so that we could retrieve said body parts.

Today was the (bitterly cold, even in Florida) day that we arrived, 10 minutes late, for co-op, only to discover that my three year old did not have any shoes.  And we would be out all day.  In the cold.

Today was the day that 3 of my 4 children had a doctor check-up at the same time.  (Which I did on purpose, but still sounds daunting!)

Today was the day that our family doctor (bless him!) had to watch 3 children show him their best gymnastic skills because clearly, he needed to know they had said skills to be able to assess their health.

Today was the day that my 6 year old decided that the worst thing in the entire world would be to get a flu shot.  It would be worse than any disaster wrought by fire or water, and everyone in the doctor’s office and the surrounding businesses understood his feelings.

Today was the day that said 6 year old’s habit of going commando backfired when the nurse was preparing him for the evil shot.  (She ended up giving it in the arm.)

Today was also the day that my 8 year old decided that getting shots is really fun and she can’t wait to get another one.  (??!!)

You know?  That’s actually not a bad day!

Some disclaimers:

*I have to let it be known that the only reason we ever get to our co-op on time is that Josh has personally taken it upon himself to get us out the door.  He realized that me getting 4 children ready in a timely manner at that hour is simply not possible, and he had mercy on my plight.  So, every Tuesday, he makes our lunches and gets the boys dressed.  And ladies, he’s mine.

**The kids were wrapping up their study of human anatomy by glueing a bunch of pictures of internal organs/bones/muscles to a traced image of their bodies.  I promise it wasn’t some weird zombie thing!

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